Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Out of ways to nest inside the house, we turned to the garden in early April. It needed a lot of work, but we are pleased with how it came out and it's been fun watching our garden spring to life. We decided awhile back that because we are already growing out of the "starter home" phase, it made sense for us to wait to buy a house, since this rent house is the perfect size for us right now and just what we need in terms of space and location. That said, it isn't the prettiest on the block, so it's been a fun challenge to work within our means to pretty it up where possible. Another fun challenge: keeping the deer from eating our new flowers. I have a few choice words for those guys.

belly and flowers
This is what happens when I take pictures from directly above these days...our plumbago isn't the only thing growing around here.

We had a visit from our friends the Borgs last week, whose sweet baby Virginia is now 4 months old. She was here at about 6 weeks old and Nicholas was still a bit of a hesitant but willing participant in the whole baby holding arena. This time he was an old pro. He doesn't have too much practice with babies, but I know he'll be a natural.


You'd think on bedrest, I would have made a bit more progress on this blanket...but you'd be wrong. Absent a pattern, it is one of those things I have to mull over as I go. This is a chevron baby blanket done out of soft, silky cotton. I love to crochet, but am always trying to do a fresh, un-grannylike take on my projects. Usually that means a graphic pattern, lots of white, and lots of characteristic, indecisive waffling. I'm happy with how it's coming along now but I'm quite certain it won't be finished before the baby comes. I'm pretty sure she won't know the difference.



And, it turns out I wasn't going crazy; I've truly been laboring at home all this time. We have made some very significant progress from last week and my doctor said she'll be surprised if she doesn't arrive in the next two days or so. We're supposed to go straight to the hospital once the stronger contractions start, as we are already far enough along that she might not take too long once I'm in active labor. Because she is clearly ready to go, my doctor encouraged lots of walking to get things going. So last night I walked a 5K! Not going to lie, it was hard (and took forever) but it felt good to finally get some exercise after all these weeks laying around. Our neighborhood has lots of steep hills so it's not the easiest of walks. It didn't appear to do the trick, so I'm going to try and overcome my soreness and do it again tonight...Miller said he wants to follow me in a pace car like on the Biggest Loser, just in case I keel over midway through. One way or another, baby will make her debut here very soon! XO

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