Friday, October 14, 2011

Morning promise

There are so many every day moments lately that I desperately want to cling to. 7 am continues to be one of my favorite times of the day. I never, ever thought I'd say that.

Each morning, Miller goes in and gets our smiley, wiggly little babe from her crib and gives me another two minutes of blissful sleep. It's a small bit of time but a significant bit to her, and a good way to incorporate Daddy more into our weekdays. I hear him talking to her over the monitor and she coos back as he gets her out of her crib. Such a sweet daddy. Freshly changed and brimming with morning promise, she gives me a huge, happy grin as he brings her into our room. I (admittedly not a morning person) struggle to focus, rubbing my eyes and mustering my most energetic, enthusiastic, singsongy "good morning!" from the depths of my mama reserves. This, she loves, and she lights up excitedly. He hands her over, and my soft, footie pajama-clad bundle snuggles in close for her breakfast. Once focused and nestled in until full, she has reached the distracted stage, occasionally stopping to see what Matt Lauer has to say, or to peer up at me and smile coyly. Oh little miss, I adore you too. Then she dives back in. Miller reads headlines on his iPhone (aka the paper) and sips his coffee; I listen to Matt grill ol tricky Rick about his presidential campaign's downward spiral.

Miller showers, sending clean, steamy shower smells wafting into the bedroom. A hanger rustles and his belt buckle clanks as he dresses for work. I hear, feel, smell this part of the morning because my eyes are closed. Glancing down from my half-awake daze I realize e. has pulled another fast one. She's asleep. Little stinker! Like mother like daughter I suppose. She's supposed to take her first nap about nine (so say the books) but this happens half the time, so we just roll with it and hope for the best. I savor our mornings together, and know they are fleeting. Someday soon she will be climbing all over me, ready to begin the day - and perhaps further down the road there will be other babies to tend to. So I curl in close next to her, kiss her fuzzy little head and pull the covers up around us as she snoozes. Days with a baby aren't always easy, but for us, the morning promises a little bit of heaven.

- Posted from my iPhone

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