Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Giving thanks

Well, needless to say our cup runneth over with blessings for which to be thankful this year. It is a powerful thing to be surrounded by so much loving, supportive family on a regular basis. I am so thankful for them - our Austin bunch and our Amarillo bunch - and for our little family of 3. What a lucky bunch we all are.

This Thanksgiving was in Austin, and we had two dinners roughly 4 hours apart (but only five minutes away by car). Sometimes the families combine for one Modern Family-style Thanksgiving - mom, stepdad, dad, stepmom, all the stepsiblings, my dad's parents - but this year, with my stepdad's family all in town, we split them up. It was a great day, brimming with delicious food, gorgeous fall-ish(?) weather, families coming together peacefully and enjoying the day. It was topped off most deliciously by the Longhorns' thrilling, historic win. You'll note the burnt orange/maroon allegiances throughout these pictures (the latter being just my grandfather John).

Good gracious this child hardly slept one wink all Thanksgiving day (and woke up every hour that night, during the Texas/Texas A&M game). But she remained happy and sweet through supper #2, and lasted until 7:00 that night - a Thanksgiving miracle. I have NO idea why she couldn't sleep...

Maybe it was the 30 or so admirers she was eager to entertain?

Thanksgiving supper (sweet potatoes, green beans, yogurt + peaches) with Gigi and John:





With my stepbrother and stepsister, Sydney and Evan (notice the thumb in mouth - good indicator she is ready for a nap, usually, though I was met with stubborn protests at every attempt):


Rare blog appearance with mama:

Step-great grandmother, Audrey

Time for the Eliza show! Come see Eliza Louise, the miraculous, walking 6 month old baby!

A little post-Thanksgiving cuddle with Daddy

(check out this cool shot I got of my stepcousin and his sweet girlfriend, Amanda):

Round 2: A little love from her great grandmother Annie - note the glazed over delirium:

Football with her Johnny (his Cowboys won, but sadly his Aggies did not):

Second wind: Putting on the Eliza show again:

Happy Thanksgiving from the Millers!

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