Not too surprisingly, things have unraveled a bit around here. In the past three weeks we've found the mail in the dog food bin (??), and the bread and the ice cream in the refrigerator. Realized the reason the house was so hot was not that the A/C wasn't working properly but because the back door was left wide open for a solid 3 hours. I let the dogs out and wandered off to take care of something, and just never came back. On more than one occasion, dripped salsa, queso, mole sauce, or other varieties of Tex-Mex onto an unsuspecting nursing baby (I'm not proud of this but don't pretend you other moms haven't done it). One of us attempted to put dirty dishes in the washing machine. Both of us have been
not quite quick enough with the fresh diaper in the middle of the night - on the bed - and this has consequences. Done that more than once because we like to live dangerously. Oh and forget about having a burp cloth at the ready. Ha. No. We prefer cleaning up projectile spit ups after the fact, thankyouverymuch. Laundry, laundry, oh so much laundry. And these days, all the cabinet doors in the kitchen are perpetually flung wide open, because apparently these days I just can't be bothered to close doors of any kind. If you are brave enough to stop by, we apologize in advance for the slightly disheveled state of our home.
On the bright side, the baby remains well-fed and changed and still quite a happy little thing for the most part, so I guess we are doing something right. And the dogs are still alive last we checked, though with the heat wave (100 for the foreseeable future! Gross) we may need to readjust our plant watering schedule as they are looking a little croaky. Eep. We are managing pretty well, I suppose, under the circumstances. I just wish I had some sort of magic elf following us around shutting doors, picking up where our brains leave off, and keeping things a little more orderly.
(This little love remains oblivious to the chaos):
Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend! We slept. Hallelujah. XO
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