Thursday, June 2, 2011

Homeward bound

Somehow heading home was emotional for me. It's those stupid crazy hormones I know, but I burst into tears as we packed up to leave. So much anticipation and build-up to the birth and that time in the hospital, and it was over - time to resume our lives again. We were leaving with a very precious parting gift:



Who, we quickly learned does not particularly appreciate being put in her carseat, but picking it up, to quote her father, is like hitting a mute button:


Maybe she's screaming because her bonnet is sliding around on her head?

Above: the mute button effect, and what happens to your face after delivering a baby and two sleepless nights in the hospital.

We gingerly wound our way home at a much slower pace than we'd come at 5 AM two nights before, and began the process of becoming a harmonious family of five. One dog likes the baby but doesn't really understand her, and is going to take some time adjusting (I type this a week and a half out and we're not quite there yet...). The other one appears to be fairly oblivious that anything has changed. I'll let you figure out which is which.



Being home has been wonderful and hard. As our pediatrician put it, an exceptionally difficult first two weeks with a newborn. Our health issues combined into a bit of an ambush resulting in 6 total appointments from last Monday to today. We're pretty tired of appointments (though we've gotten the hang of getting out of the house!). That said, as newborns go, Miss Eliza seems to be an exceptionally good baby; she has made every bump a little less shaky for these two rookies. And we love her for it.

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over how beautiful she is! I think it's too funny that one of the dogs is completely oblivious to Eliza!


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