Friday, May 11, 2012

In which we do it up, Southern-style (part 1).

Whew! Andddd...we're back from our big Southern adventure. I am le tired. And le behind on le laundry, le cooking, le everything. Le birthday I have not really stopped to think about (and I'm pretty sure this was all part of my plan) but I'm sure that'll come together just fine...

So, where to start? Well, let's start in New Orleans, shall we? That's short and sweet, since the only picture I took there is of this, the most gorgeous, delicious, timely Bloody Mary I've ever had in my entire life. This is one of those that comes with its own little meal as a garnish. A wee appetizer, if you will.


Along with some knock your socks off, set you 5 pounds back shrimp and grits. With a flaky biscuit and jam on the side. I was too busy eating to be bothered with pictures by that point. And that, my friends, is how you kick off a tour of the South.
Though hatched one year ago in Fredericksburg, it was a very last-minute trip, but we never thought we'd actually be able to do it. The sliver of time Miller had between jobs was perfect, as was the price for such a last-minute trip, and it was a great little getaway for us both. Using our good friends Chip and Katherine's beautiful home off Magazine Street as a base, we did a bit of window shopping, a good dose of fine New Orleans eating, and, of course, spent plenty of time on Bourbon Street despite my insistence before leaving Austin that "this time will be different." We also spent a perfect Sunday sunburning, sipping beers and eating the most delicious food in the world at Jazzfest. Bruce - the big draw initially, other than seeing some old friends - was the cherry on top. He was, in a word, awesome. Even my anti-Boss husband is a convert. Love, love, love me some Bruce.

Camera Roll-714

Here we are, festing and being 25 again - which was the last time we did Jazz Fest. That sunburn wasn't QUITE as bad as it appears.

The drive home was not awesome. Apparently we Millers only know one way to get home from New Orleans, and it's a crawl we've perfected over many years of good timing in the Big Easy. This time at least, we were crawling home to our little love. And this time at least, I wasn't worried they'd start making me pay a fee for time spent in the Houston Hobby Airport bathroom (thanks, Chip and Katherine, for that MOST memorable wedding weekend).

So, we returned home Monday night, and I basically dumped our suitcases into the washing machine and filled them up again so Eliza and I could go to Atlanta and see our dear Miss MJ on Thursday morning. She came to visit during a bit of a dark period, when E. was 8 weeks (a time we now just refer to as the "blackout time") and it was, well, just the most wonderful thing. I shed a tear or two dropping her off, because I was still a hormonal mess, and because these wonderful old college friends of mine - the ones who don't come along every day - are spread all over the country (and primarily the South). This was such a good little window of time to repay the visit - Eliza is so easy right now, I'm not pregnant, and we had a good reason to celebrate. Miss MJ's family was having a graduation party to celebrate getting her Masters in Education, and Eliza and I were invited!

Camera went into blinking error message mode until about halfway through the trip, when I sat down with it for an hour and jimmied with the lens until it gave in and let me take pictures again. I didn't get a single picture of her with Mary Jacob which I'm totally kicking myself for now. So here's one from her last visit:


Eliza and I were kind of nomadic; we stayed primarily with MJ's wonderful parents, but it made the most sense to stay at her sis Lucy's house the night of the party. Lucy, who is also a friend/sorority sister of mine, has the cuuuuutest baby Charlie, who is 7.5 months, so Eliza was happy to come over and play with all his toys.


(Heeeeeeeere's Charlie! Can you even stand that smile?)
My little miss was a DREAM baby on the airplane - and really the whole trip. I came prepared with all sorts of toys, books, and snacks for the flight, and I was so proud of how well she did. Not to say it wasn't exhausting, but about as easy as it gets solo with a baby. On the way there, all she really cared about was that BunBun, the bunny she loves who never leaves the crib, had magically joined us on this big adventure.


With all the changes I threw at her, she continued to nap and sleep easily wherever I put her down, thanks (I think) in part to the good sleep routine and we've established. It works anywhere! It ended up being three different Pack and Plays in five nights. She never was unsettled or out of sorts; on the contrary, she was genuinely energized by all the new people and unfamiliar places, remaining happy, talkative, and outgoing until the end of our trip. To her, it was all one big exciting party. In fact, she welcomed every passenger off the plane in Austin with an enthusiastic wave while we waited on the jetway for our stroller. It all went so smoothly, and in the end, it was such a good thing for us to do together. So many new, positive experiences for us both. We sure did miss her Dada though!

(E. has started playing "peekaboo" with herself.)

Someday when Eliza and Charlie get married, this is the picture we'll put in their wedding slideshow.
Charlie and "Captain." MJ's parents are his "Captain" and "Lovey."
Sums up nicely why we never wear shoes. 
Charles with his mama, Lucy
Showing Charlie how to crawl
This was not the trip where I showed our daughter how easy it is to eat healthy anywhere. Eliza ate her first peanut butter and jelly sandwich and her first chocolate chip cookie at Souper Jenny's, a delicious Atlanta lunch place. I know this may come as a shock, but she is a HUGE chocolate chip cookie fan. Our low moment of the whole trip was when she woke up upset on the way to Birmingham, and a few bites of a Wendy's Frosty took care of that. She eats so healthy at home that it doesn't bother me a bit to let her have a little junk while we are on vacation. A month ago, this trip would have been much more difficult as we were still bringing her finger foods to restaurants and only introducing outside foods here and there. She is so adaptable now, and game for anything.

Anyway, my pictures on this leg are super spotty due to the camera malfunction, but we had the best time with Mary Jacob and her family, who were all so kind to have us come to stay. Eliza sincerely loves Miss MJ, Lovey and Captain, and I'm pretty sure there is a romance blooming with little man Charlie. Maybe one day the Atkinsons and Millers will be inlaws! Thank you, Rankin and Atkinson family, for having us - we had a wonderful time!

Up next: Part 2 of our Southern tour - Birmingham with the Malatesta family!

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