Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our funny Valentine


So I realize this post is a bit late, as apparently Valentine's Day was already 2 days ago. In related news, my dining room table has been sitting on the side porch, in DIY limbo, for a month as I waffle (this is very like me). I still (embarrassingly) have thank you's from Christmas half-done - this is very unlike me, though due to the wrist issue my signature is an illegible, pained scrawl, so I am going with that as my excuse. I'm pretty sure that's only half of it though. And - agggh - my baby is almost nine months old. Time is passing fast and I'm not keeping up on all fronts.


I realized at 9:30 on Feb. 13 that it was Valentine's Day the next day and hastily threw an outfit together for my baby's big first over-commercialized holiday. I thought briefly of finding a pattern and crocheting a heart to applique to her onesie. And then I was like, hey self, it's 9:30. I like sleep. So I stitched two pieces of felt together (15 minute project), slapped it on this handmedown onesie (thanks Avery!) and called it a night. The tutu ribbon skirt was a very sweet gift from the Rochester Millers.

She only wore this outfit for half the day due to her current belly-shimmying, drooling on everything stage.

Her "crawl" is this hilarious worm, which she is now very adept at and involves a lot of belly dragging. It looks kind of hard (compared to crawling, a more fluid motion), but she gets around great now, so more power to her I suppose. Like her mother, it appears she prefers to make things a lot harder than they really need to be.

Here's E. and her Valentine. I'm sad to report it's a little one-sided these days. With our little lady in a climb up everything, hair pulling stage, it seems the bloom has fallen off the rose somewhat for our resident ginger. Cue the Adele.

Georgia apparently only has eyes for Gigi. See my expert applique work above? You can tell I invested a lot of time in baby's first Valentine's day.

We had a park playdate later, and I was a little sad, since she had already ruined this outfit I'd so lovingly hand-sewn for her. But then I remembered that her parents went to Vegas and all they brought her was this awesome Beatles LOVE onesie.


I stuck the heart on her butt because I was so pleased with my handiwork.

We met a few of E's crew there, Avery and Blake.


"Mommmeeeeee!!!" Avery was picking weeds flowers and then bringing them over to show us. Her big brother Harrison was running a gravel car wash over on the other side of the park.

Eliza and Blake immediately got down to their favorite pastimes:

Synchronized chewing

Mama snuggling

Secret telling (these two are very chatty together)

And of course, mama sassing: a time-honored tradition of 9- and 10-month olds the world over. (Note Blake's crocheted heart onesie and cardi - both gifts from her grandma. Damn. Maybe someday E's daughter will reap the benefits of my hobbyholicism too).

I had a pretty great Valentine's myself - was surprised that morning with coffee, a pot of hydrangeas and yet another very big and unexpected gift from my dear husband - my Wacom tablet! I'd been wanting it forever but couldn't bear to buy it for myself. Love that man. Now I just have to figure out how to use it...

Lots of love to you, my loves!! XO

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