Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The past couple of weeks we have a very antsy, independent, eager little baby on our hands. Grabby, opinionated. Her preferred mode of getting from point A --> B: the stagger. She's launching out of our laps into walking, which looks a lot like a determined, confident drunk staggering home from the bar. She happily does a few steps on her own, though you have to catch her inevitable fall (not the same thing as walking. at all.). It's funny, but terribly ungraceful - wonder where she gets that from? (answer: both of us). Thus, rather than letting her fine-tune this hilarious, highly unsafe mode of mobility, we're enforcing a LOT of tummy time these days. So far, we've mastered the 360 belly spin and the backwards inchworm, which means I'm finding her crammed into odd corners of our living room in the time it takes to put a few dishes in the dishwasher.

And Eliza just wanted you to know:


Learning to crawl is hard.

Really, really hard.

Especially when every time you try you end up inching backwards, not forwards.

Winding up stuck under chairs, coffee tables. Spinning on your belly in a circle and ending up right back where you started. It's frustrating knowing where you want to go, but not knowing how to get there. But sometimes you have to move backward before you move forward.

It just takes a little focus, practice and determination.

Keep your chin up, Lizzy Lou, you'll get there one day soon.


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