Our precious baby girl's first birthday has come and gone (and so has her Christening, and another small birthday celebration, and a few other sidetracks in between - thus the lull. I am very, very behind on all fronts at the moment!). It was such a lovely weekend, with many dear friends and family around to help us celebrate our daughter. The day after the party, her actual birthday, was spent with me in a rare fit of tears most of the day. The emotion of it crept over me, as truly I thought I was as prepared as I could be - but the realization that that first precious year with my first baby is over was just too much in the end. There is so much to celebrate, but a piece of me needed a day to be a little wistful. And thus, my transformation to motherhood is complete. I'm the teary-eyed mama who wonders where time goes. But I have not one regret. I cherished those moments. I knew how lucky I was to be there, even on a hard day, singing to my tiny baby who wouldn't take a nap. I knew these moments were fleeting. They were, and I am so glad I grabbed hold of them. Hold on, mamas! Babies don't keep.
So whew - what a weekend! Such a beautiful time of year to have a birthday. I love planning parties, and had so much fun doing this one, which was a fairly simple affair. I an idea of what I wanted Eliza's to be for many months now - unfussy, colorful, laid-back pool party, with handmade decorations I would make, but could reuse in a playroom or her room (or maybe for another party down the road). In as much as these first birthdays are really more for the parents than the babies, I still wanted to try to incorporate bits of things that may mean something to her someday.
That said, I was so busy at the party that I really did not get many pictures of the decorations at all. Major fail, major regret! Anyway, please join us for a virtual tour of E's big bash. I make no apologies for the redundant nature of this ginormous post.
We held the pool party at Eliza's Gigi's house, out on their pretty deck. I was so pleased that everyone actually wanted to swim.
We made a pathway to the backyard with these felt flowers I found (people kept asking if I made these, and I would just like to state for the record that as a rule, I only take on craft projects that require as little effort as possible. I.e. not one zillion layered felt flowers). These are from Target. I'm not proud, but I believe they were Made in China, my dears:
I used fabric strips as ribbon with a flower on each post.
A wall of photos from Eliza's first year greeted you as you walked in the gate.
I made this bunting to hang on the big awning; some of the fabric came from Eliza's quilt that my dad's wife Carolyn sweetly made last year. FYI: Even if you're a terrible sewer (as I am), bunting is a super easy sewing project. Definitely falls under the category of stuff even I am not too lazy to attempt.
I hung a fabric "e" from Eliza's nursery, and Eliza's crib mobile in the center to add to the handmade theme, and some poms on either side. I did some simple little favors - buckets with the kids names on them, a pinwheel and a pool/bath toy.
We had fresh-squeezed lemonade that you could add a kick
to, if you so desired, along with the standard booze that is commonplace
at first birthday parties. We served easy picnic food - macaroni and cheese (from Bountiful - see below), chicken nuggets, some caprese skewers, my grandmother's famous pimiento cheese and chicken salad sandwiches and a spinach summer salad with blackberries and strawberries. I only have this one picture of the food already half-eaten.
Because we could not think of a single thing she needed, Miller and I decided to do a donation for Eliza's birthday and asked that if our guests wanted to bring something to celebrate, they could join us in donating a favorite children's book or two instead of a gift. The books will be given to the Dell Children's Childhood
Cancer and Blood Disorder program, and gifted to patients of the clinic.
The doctors encourage reading to help with the kids' cognitive therapy
after treatment, as many of the treatments can result in some setbacks
in reading and in school. To prevent the spreading of germs, all the
kids are encouraged to take whatever books they want from the shelf to
keep. This means the shelf is perpetually empty! So, we are helping them
restock for summer. All in all, we collected around 100 books - so thank you everyone who helped with this project!
Eliza's cake, cupcakes, and the macaroni and cheese were all from Bountiful Bakery, this wonderful place in Westlake owned by a courageous woman named Becky Nichols. She started the Loving Libbie Foundation after her precious daughter Libbie died from a hard-fought battle with Leukemia at age five. When I was seeking a place to donate these children's books, Becky was an extremely helpful resource in getting us connected with the Childhood Cancer program at Dell. After getting to know Becky over the past few months, I've been so inspired by her generosity, strength, and big, beautiful heart. The Loving Libbie Foundation donates cakes from the bakery to kids celebrating big treatment milestones and birthdays at the clinic. Bountiful is a delicious bakery with a purpose and I can't recommend the delicious food, or the work they do, more highly. Go there!
That little hat she's wearing, and the high chair bunting (which you can tell was meticulously pressed following assembly) were both super quick projects thrown together the night before. I think the high chair bunting took about 10 minutes. I had actually thought I'd ordered her a hat, but realized late in the week that I had never pushed "go" on it - so typical - so mama came up with a plan B.
So, time for my favorite part - cake face! It all started innocently enough.
But it went off the rails when she decided her cake needed a hug. Ah, nothing like a good cake hug.
Busted cake.
Um, no thanks, it's all you.
I caught a little flack for letting her dive in and eat as much cake as she wanted. Your birthday only rolls around once a year. Babies have eaten much worse (ie: sticks, leaves, shoes). I say let them eat cake!
Our little Lizzy Lou remained a very happy girl the entire party. I wasn't too surprised, she's a pretty social girl and happens to love parties.
She doled out lots of kisses.
My wonderful mom/Eliza's Gigi
Bathing cap.
E with her godmother Braden, and Braden's boyfriend Adam
Adam and E. Love this series.
First pearls, a gift from Braden.
I think her favorite part, aside from the cake, was hanging with her besties. These babies have gone from little blobs on a quilt to sweet, interactive friends. For me, it was one of the best parts of having this party. Also, I love babies. And as such I make no apologies for the huge flickr dump to come.
New walker Blake was not interested in sitting for any pictures, so these are the only ones I got of her and Eliza on this day. Poor E is getting left in the dust by her March and April birthday friends.
Time out for a little baby wrasslin.
Elyse showing the girls how it's done.
Piercy and Eliza, the little twinsies
This is how Eliza "dances" to such hits as The Itsy Bitsy Spider (a move commonly known as "wave yo hands in the air, wave em like you just don't care").
Piercy and Eliza and their boyfriend, Bryker. It's a bit of a complicated love triangle, but Piercy and E. don't seem to let it get in the way of their friendship.
Mama shot.
Here we are - one year older and so much wiser! What an amazing year this has been for our family. Eliza Louise, you are the baby that made us parents. And while it wasn't an easy road in the beginning, it was absolutely perfect in the end. With many blissful, hard, unimaginably beautiful moments in between. I'm humbled, grateful, blessed and happy, happy, happy.
Happy first birthday to our little peanut, Eliza Louise. Each day with you is better than the last, and we can't wait to see what the next year brings.